澳门·新葡萄新京威尼斯(555)官方网站-2024 European Cup


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Three state-owned enterprises joint hands

澳门·新葡萄新京威尼斯(555)官方网站-2024 European Cup

Actively responding to the call of the country by deepening the reformation of state-owned enterprises, three major state-owned enterprises in Guangzhou, that are Guangzhou Zhujiang Brewery Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Lingnan business travel Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Restaurant Group Co., Ltd., signed a strategic cooperation agreement with each other at the Zhujiang-InBev International Beer Museum and worked together to build demonstration bases for cooperative development. Their cooperations focus on the new development model of combining commerce,culture,tourism,beer and food together, bringing their important roles and main responsibility of the steady growth of state-owned enterprises to the full play.Take advantage of the momentum,Zhujiang Brewery will actively play the role of the "chain leader" in the food and FMCG industry, deepen the cooperation with Lingnan Business Travel Group and Guangzhou Restaurant Group, jointly transmiting the brand value of Cantonese Food, so as to create a more innovative modern industrial chain with high added value, and build an open new pattern of industrial development to meet the needs of the people for a better life and contribute to construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greate Bay Area and the high-quality economic development of Guangzhou.

This strategic cooperation is a coordination of state-own assets and enterprises in a chess game as Guangzhou SASAC thoroughly implements the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of Guangdong Province and the work requirements of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government. It enhances the cooperation between municipal state-owned enterprises, promotes the construction of a general pattern of state-owned assets supervision, and activates the coordinated development of state-owned enterprises. It is an in-depth cooperation among the three large state-owned enterprises in Guangzhou based on professional division of labor, resource optimization and integration, and common development goals. It accelerates the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international double cycles promoting each other. It is of great significance to deepen the coordinated development of state-owned enterprises, promote win-win cooperation among municipal enterprises, therefore accelerating the high-quality economic development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Guangzhou to a new level.

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